Sunday, December 14, 2008


Nina, a friend of mine, is an abseiling instructor and invited us to come abseiling in November. Well... I am afraid of heights but I knew that If I wanted Rathla and Franci to go down I would have to just face it and do it. Ian went first, and then Rathla, so I had alot of time to see just how high it was. (The cliff we abseiled down was only about 18 m high, but believe me - it could have been 180m...). Rathla got quite scared which focused my attention on encouraging him to let go of the rope.

When it was my turn I realised that I had to decide whether I was going to trust the ropes because if I don't then what's the point. So I actually really enjoyed it and Nina and I are thinking of doing a programme to empower abused women through my facilitating an inspirational course and then we take them abseiling. Sounds like fun, so we will work on it in the new year when my exams are over.

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