These are photographs which my friend Cobi took after a fundraiser Ladies luncheon where I had to make a speech (during which I cried!). The Masakhane Project was the beneficiary at this luncheon and so I made this speech and then attempted to read this terribly touching poem about children scratching in the dirt (no, thankfully the poem was not my handiwork - that would have been too much!) I should have known that it was not a good idea - you all know poetry is the undoing of me. Anyway, everyone teased me afterwards and then Cobi took these photos - I think to take my mind of the spectacle I had presented.
It was a dress-up luncheon where we had to dress-up in long dresses and hats. It was quite fun, but I doubt I will get invited to one of these things again because how can I think to represent a charity all dressed up as Morticia?
Anyway, it turned out to be a lot of fun afterwards when my friend Hannelie brought out the red wine and the cigars (as she always does!)and my wonderfull friend Carol Graff decided to 'flirt with the camera'! Cobi's leg was still in a plaster cast, so it was very brave of her to have gone through with it. She does this type of event every year.
Some had to be driven home and some had to drag themselves home after a fantastic time had been had by all.
So by the way, afterwards some anonomous person donated some money as a result of my heartwrenching little performance that day!