Thursday, October 23, 2008


I did her last year and she is hanging at a gallery at the moment, but I really think she is not selling because she wants to be on my wall!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Hero

This blog is actually not about the kids - they have their own blog and I have a life too (albeit sometimes hard to find!). However, I just couldn't resist these photo's of Ian and Savuti as it so beautifully portray just what a wonderful dad Ian is.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I wrote these a few years ago...

Patience I

It looks like
Patience is only learnt
through being given the opportunity
of having to wait for something

the longer the time
you are given
in which to have to wait for something
the greater
the opportunity
for cultivating patience

and the greater the temptation
to get impatient
and the more time to get it in

they give you a lot of rope
so you can hang yourself
or weave a hammock
to wait comfortably in.

Patience II

Patience is only learnt
through being given the opportunity
of a long time
in which to have to wait for something

You wait for something
and you wait for something
and it doesn't come
not today,
or the next day

You get tired of waiting
then you wait a bit more
then you get desperately tired of waiting
but you wait
and you wait
and you wait

and then something comes

it is patience.


Hierdie skets het ek laas jaar gedoen en 'n foto vir 'n paar mense gemail. Sy het baie vinnig verkoop nog voor ek haar kon laat raam en ek was nogal spyt omdat dit 'n kombinasie van my en Hannelie se werk was - die woorde is grepe uit 'n gedig geskryf deur my vriendin Hannelie Hartman:

Vir nou is ek jou muse
Uit gister gebore...

Slaaf, prinses, maagd, kind
Sluier om jou verbeelding

Vat my met jou woorde
Dans my op jou sinne

want vandag is ons lovers
en more het ek nie bestaan nie

want vandag is ons lovers
en more ken jy nie my naam nie.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The File-13 Lady

This is a short sketch I did a while ago. I really did meet such a person. Believe it or not...

I met a woman today. She towered over me (I am tall). She was even taller, very angular, wearing lots of jewellery and very small bright red leather shoes. After a while she poured us some wine and said that we should clink glasses. She said we should look each other in the eye when we clinked or else it would mean seven years of 'bad sex'. She said that we should say 'moerse' every time we clinked glasses. I looked her in the eye, we clunk glasses, I remembered just in time to say 'moerse' and I and thanked my stars we were not on a ship.

She looked at my feet over the rim of her glasses over the rim of her wine glass. I was barefoot and she said that it is right that I am not wearing shoes and that if one is not going to be wearing red leather veldskoens one ought not to be wearing shoes at all.

She told me that she filed people. I think she meant that she does filing for people, but I'm not sure. She said that she called her customers 'filings'. Then she gave me her bussiness card. I don't know what to do with it. File it or something I suppose. But I am not good at that sort of thing and I dont know what to file her under. People do that to one sometimes. The harder you try to forget them the more you remember them because there they are - occupying space in your wallet, together with the photograph of your husband and kids - just because you don't know what else to do with them.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ian and I attended art classes for a year in 2002. We got taken through all the media and each time our teacher assigned us a task such as faces to be done in graphite etc. When we got to pastel she told us to go and draw anything shiny. Well, everyone else in the class did copper kettles and cutlery and stuff. We decided not to go that way and each drew a piture of part of a motorcycle. I did the front part of a Harley and it sold very quickly. Ian and I were not doing too well finacially then, so I started doing commisioned art works of people's Harley Davidson motorbikes. This helped to put the bread on the table for quite a few years. I haven't done any bike art for a while. I did this bike on the photo in 2004 with Cheti litterally on my hip all the time once when we were visiting my dad for a while. I intended to use it for marketing, but then I got a bit gatvol of the bikes and stopped doing them. I recently took this one to a gallery nearby as I didn't want it to get ruined here at home and I have had quite a lot of interest in doing some commisions again. Doing the bikes are tough on the eyes as it is very fine work (I use a magnifying glass for some parts), but I love it and the money is good, so all in all worth my while.

Sketse en digkuns

Ek doen figuurstudies in grafiet met grepe uit my eie of ander se digkuns daarby. Hier is een wat ek laas jaar gedoen het, sy was een van my gunstelinge, maar het ongelukkig/gelukkig baie vinnig verkoop.

Ek noem haar 'die boomvrou' en Die woorde by haar is uit 'n gedig deur Jeane Goosen. Ek hou baie van haar werk. Ek het 'n besonderse gevoel vir bome. Ek dink nie ek sal lekker aard op 'n plek sonder bome nie.
Ek wil verby littekens en woorde groei
ek wil 'n boom wees
een in 'n ry eenderse bome
'n boom sonder woorde
veral sonder woorde ja

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wit Lig

Hierdie is 'n gedig wat ek geskryf het vir ons boekklub se 'poetry evening'. (Dis nou iets anders as die drama klas se 'poetry evening' waaroor ek vroeer geskryf het, dit kom nog maar daarvoor hoef ek darm nie self te skryf nie!)

Dis nogal bietjie ingewikkeld om te verduidelik hoe dit gewerk het want dit was 'n nogal driedimensionele affere. Of so het ek gehoop! Ek het die gedig op 'n ronde stuk karton geskryf met 'n gat in die middel waardeur ek 'n pen gedruk het. Die gedig het van die rand van die papier af ingespiraal. Ek het begin deur dit teen 'n baie stadige tempo te lees en toe al vinniger, terwyl ek die skyf in die rondte draai. Vanaf 'staan jy verstom' het ek uit my kop opgese, die disk na die gehoor gedraai, al stadiger gelees en die disk al vinniger laat spin tot al die woorde net ge'blur' het. (moenie worry as julle niks hiervan verstaan nie, ek sal dit sommer vir julle opvoer ok?)

ok, ok, ek kon dit nie so vinnig draai dat dit net wit lig is nie, en boonop was dit nogal donker, maar almal het darem vir my hande geklap. (hulle was dalk net bly die onverstaanbare petalje is op 'n einde!) Maar hier is die gedig. Onthou nou dit is in die rondte geskryf eintlik...

Wit Lig

Ons stap die pad
Ons dink ons weet
Waarheen ons gaan
Ons glo
Ons word die pad gewys
So nou draf ons aan - ons moet - hoe anders dan?
Ons is mos verseker ons kom heel aan die anderkant aan

Nog net een dag
Nog net een job
Nog net een deal
Nog net een kans
vir daai groot-groot slag wat jy wil slaan

Nog net een nag
van deurnagdinkendoenendan
staan jy verstom
wanneer dit lyk
of als
in 'n waas
verby jou gaan.